How it works :

Data provided to the scatter software, allows the software to calculate the angle/line between two points/radio stations, making the QSO possible to complete, by bouncing radiowaves on the airplane outer shell.
This is completely without any risk for the airplane.

The servers :
Two redundancy servers provided to the Airscout software will pull the planes once every 60 seconds.
If one server is offline, the other takes over. The plugin choose between the server with the fastest response time.

The plugin :
Enter manual or import the .feed file you receive on email when asking for the access.

Who is the target group of users :

Users competing in the NAC/UKAC/IARU Reg1 contests, going on tuedays/thursdays and for the 24 hour weekend contests.

Can i reshare the data ?

This is not for normal ADSB sharing usage but only for the use from the software and certainly not for reselling or resharing.

If any redistribution is discovered, the user will be banned without any warning and any fee will not be refunded.

For more information and support directed to AirScout software, take a look here