For radioamateurs to use in the UKAC/NAC/IARU contests :
After evalutation amongst the users, we came to that conclusion to leave the service for free and not make this with commercial interest.
The original idea for this project, was to make it available to hams, driven by hams.
Instead you can support us of own initiative, once a year like a donation to show your support!
Your donation will be used for further developement of the servers and to making it easier to pay the electricity bills. Thank you very much in advance for your support !
Start date for new donation period: 1/1 2024
Donation – 5-10-15-20-25 euros, what ever you prefer !
Write your callsign in the remarks box when donating via PayPal !
Checkout with PayPal
or with creditcard via my webshop
** Note this is only a personal donation, i just offer you to use my payment gateway if you dont have PayPal.
Now choose from steps of your own choice, what ever you can afford. Every donation highly appreciated !

Payments accepted in the webshop:

You will get a connection for redundant servers and you will receive all the nessesary info and feed file via e-mail when signing up.
If you allready have the .feed file and the system up and running, its not nessesary to do any further changes when you have made the donation.
From the webshop you will also find
– ADSB antennas
– WX Sonde antennas
– Complete kits with receiver, antenna and cable
+ much more items
+ more to come – it’s a brand new shop. Constantly updated with new products!
*We do not supply any accounts for any other ADSB networks than for airscatter/AirScout usage.